What is a trade or employees union? How can they help me? What about civil society or migrant organizations?

A trade union is an organisation of workers who have joined together to achieve common goals such as better working conditions, higher pay, social protection and occupational safety. The trade union negotiates with the employer on behalf of the members or the workers in order to improve the working conditions and uplift the lives of workers. Other tasks of a trade union include the following: negotiate for wage increase, help create an enabling working environment, rationalise rules and processes in the selection, hiring, promotion and dismissal of workers, promote occupational safety and security, organise fair and just complaint mechanism, etc.

It is an independent entity where officers generally are elected by the members for a given term or purpose such as collective bargaining. The members pay registration fees for the operation and activities of the trade union.

If this is allowed in the country where you are working, it is good for you to join a trade or employees’ union. If not available, then join a formal/registered or informal/unregistered migrant organisation. They have a lot to offer but the most basic of which is that you have a support network. They will always not be able to address all your issues or give you the best solution to a problem but the emotional and psychological support they can offer can ease out your problems and issues.

Please note that there are some restrictions to take part in any trade union activities as a migrant worker in GCC countries.